Monday 7 March 2011


1st idea
My first idea is a style magazine for guys aged 18-21; the clothing would be clothes that don’t cost much in the shops E.G Topman, River Island, Primark.  The feasibility of idea is good because the clothes don’t cost much to buy and I buy quite a few clothes from these places and I don’t mind spending money to buy these, all I need to do is find models but I don’t mind being a model and I’m sure I can find friends who don’t mind.
2nd idea
My second idea is a entertainment magazine mainly aimed at women aged 16-40 it will have celebrity news and interviews from the USA and UK also have world news and competitions and a TV listings. The feasibility of doing this idea would be hard because it would be nearly impossible to get celebrity interviews and I would need to find out the TV listings for the week I would finish the magazine, also I would find this hard as I don’t read these magazines in my free time.
3rd idea
My 3rd idea is to do photography and pick a subject/ object to take photos on for example nature, woods, animals, beaches. I think this would be a good idea because I enjoyed taking candid photos. The feasibility of this idea is good because I wouldn’t find it hard getting to places to take photos, but I don’t think this would challenge my creativity and I want to do something that will challenge me and I don’t think this will, but I would enjoy doing this.      
I have chosen
I have chosen to do my first idea, this is a guys style magazine target audience would be guys aged around 18-21. The reasons why I have chosen to do this idea is that I haven’t seen a style magazine that has this target audience, its aiming to be a student version of esquire by doing this I think a lot of people would read it, the main audience would be at students because most students like to buy clothes from shops like Topman and River island, because its aimed at students I can also add articles about music, holidays and the shops latest fashions so it doesn’t have to be focused on the clothes.  The magazine will have its own style that will appeal to the target audience this is important because most guys my ages associate style magazines for older people. I think this will be a success because I am enjoying making a DVD cover in page lay out and design so I will enjoy making a magazine.           

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